El European Wildlife Photographer of the Year es el mayor y más prestigioso concurso fotográfico abierto exclusivamente a los fotógrafos europeos de la naturaleza. A la última edición se han presentado más de 19.000 imágenes realizadas por fotógrafos procedentes de 36 países europeos. El resultado: lo mejor del arte de la fotografía de la naturaleza en 84 imágenes. Paisajes y seres próximos y lejanos.
Cantidad de fotografías: 36/84 imágenes
Formato imágenes: Cajas de Luz Extraplanas/Fotografías enmarcadas
Más info: info@crescentphoto.eu
The European Wildlife Photographer of the Year is the largest and most prestigious photo contest open exclusively to European nature photographers. In the last edition more than 19,000 images were displayed by photographers from 36 European countries. The result: the very best of the art of nature photography in 84 images. Near and distant landscapes and beings.
Number of photos: 36/84 images
Available formats: Extraslim lightboxes/Framed photos
More info: info@crescentphoto.eu

Man Ray is one of the key members of the artistic avant-garde of the early twentieth century. He is an exceptional, disconcerting and extremely attractive figure among activists and promoters of the movements of Dada and Surrealism, without whose knowledge it is difficult to see what innovative, versatile and integrators of new and old techniques, experiences and feelings the artists of that splendid period of Western culture had. Man Ray is an integral and vital part of the process of transforming the art of the twentieth century.
Man Ray is one of the key members of the artistic avant-garde of the early twentieth century. He is an exceptional, disconcerting and extremely attractive figure among activists and promoters of the movements of Dada and Surrealism, without whose knowledge it is difficult to see what innovative, versatile and integrators of new and old techniques, experiences and feelings the artists of that splendid period of Western culture had. Man Ray is an integral and vital part of the process of transforming the art of the twentieth century.

Fred Stein es uno de los más grandes fotógrafos del siglo XX, aunque baste desconocido para el público en general. Exiliado de su Alemania natal por la persecución nazi, exploró las nuevas posibilidades creativas de la fotografía y la espontaneidad de los sujetos mediante sus inolvidables retratos e imágenes de la vida diaria en París y Nueva York. Un total de 86 imágenes seleccionadas por su hijo (copias realizadas por el fotógrafo que proceden de su fondo familiar).
Fred Stein is one of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century, but largely unknown to the public. Forced to flee his native Germany because of Nazi persecution, he captured unforgetable portraits and images of daily life in Paris and New York, exploring new creative possibilities of photography and the spontaneity of his subjects. 86 images selected by his son and (copies made by the photographer that come from his family archive).

La exposición contiene las 70 más destacadas imágenes de los premios al mejor fotógrafo de arquitectura que concede anualmente Arcaid Images en asociación con el World Architecture Festival correspondientes al periodo 2012-2015.
The exhibition contains the 70 most outstanding images of the awards for the best architectural photographer bestowed annually by Arcaid Images in partnership with the World Architecture Festival for the period 2012-2015.